Dental Health checks are essential to spot any potential problems early as well as maintain the health of your teeth.

Our clinicians will perform a thorough dental examination at each dental health check focusing on the following areas of your mouth:

  • Check your medical details
    many medical conditions and medications have a direct and significant effect on the health of your mouth.
  • Ask if you have had any problems or concerns since your last visit
    patients often can tell if something isn’t quite right so let us know and we will examine your concerns more closely.
  • Examine the health of your tongue, lips and cheeks and jaw joints
    oral cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK and is on the increase.
  • Check each individual tooth health and condition
    problems spotted earlier are more easily solved and cost less to maintain.
  • Check your bite and look for signs of tooth wear
    tooth wear or ‘enamel erosion’ is an increasingly common problem in the modern population.
  • Check for any soft or hard plaque deposits
    these can reduce the health of your gums, increasing the risk of dental decay and gum disease.
  • Check how healthy your gums are
    poor gum health has been shown to have a direct impact on many systemic health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.
  • Ask you about your current oral health routine
    to see if we can offer any advice on improving your oral health.
  • Check the health and condition of any existing fillings, crowns, bridges or implants - defects or ledges on these restorations can lead to gum problems or dental decay.
  • Take regular x-rays at specified intervals set by professional guidelines to check between teeth, under fillings and crowns and the supporting bone structures where your dentist can’t see easily naturally.
  • Give you the chance to ask questions if you are thinking about improving your smile let us know if there is something you don’t like or want to change about your smile. We will give you expert advice on any suitable cosmetic options such as tooth whitening. We will always aim to offer the most conservative and minimally invasive cosmetic treatment options available.